We were in Ikea just now and came across a trolley filled with weighing scales. Took one out and stepped on it. Ttooiingg..... That’s the heaviest I’ve been since the wedding! Not to be outdone, Homer is now officially double my weight!
Right, drastic measure MUST be taken! If Renee Zelweger can do it, so can I.
Two and a half hours later, after unsuccessfully trying to ignore the rumblings of my stomach, I knew I had to make something for dinner before I tear Homer’s head off. Something quick and easy..
15 minutes and two empty plates later, my findings as follows-
Homer is either
a) a very good liar
b) a trash compactor
I really do make great egg and turkey bacon sandwich rivaling O’briens. Dang! There goes the hope of going on the Atkin’s diet. -dusting-the-belly-dance-workout-L |