Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The things I can think of

Because I have been working and traveling hard, I rewarded myself with a spa treatment, Javanese lulur massage.. ahhhhh…

Mariam (the masseuse) started me off with a foot bath and salt scrub, then a full body massage and finally the Javanese lulur scrub. It’s been a while .. and what can I say, it was orgasmic. I felt like hugging her when I was done, I mean, I have been traveling and working none stop for the past 2 months and another strenuous leg by the end of this week. I held back .. Knowing that it is utterly weird and can be totally misconstrued, after all my sighing during the massage.

Although … I have to say, at one point during the massage, I was struck with this thought. Has any of the masseuse ever slipped while massaging the lower part of the body? It is just a thought okay? I have NEVER experienced it myself, but just think..
All that oil .. strong hand pressure and movement .. slippery upper thighs ..

In any case, my muscles are now relaxed and my whole body smells spa-ish.. ahhh.

Oh! And another thing, why bother with the disposable g-strings, when we are covered “there” by towels anyway?
